Sally Sparidaans

BHSc Nutritional Medicine

Sally Sparidaans

Vitality | Performance | Confidence

Are you?

  • Wanting to find that extra spark in your artistry
  • Hungry to know how to fuel yourself for optimal performance
  • Overwhelmed by the information available
  • Needing to develop dance specific nutrition knowledge in a time efficient manner

What if you could...

  • Feel energised throughout the day
  • Understand how to fuel your body to perform at your best
  • Have a sharp and focused mind throughout the day
  • Develop the essential foundational skills in a self paced, supportive learning environment

The Nourished Dancer - Student Edition is for you!

How you fuel your body is just as essential as developing your technique as a dancer. Nutrition impacts every aspect of your being and allows you to perform at your best as an artist. The right nutrition for your body will not only provide you with sustained energy, clarity of mind, strength and mobility, but will also enhance mood and optimise your immune system. The Nourished Dancer - Student Edition is a self-paced 4-week course providing vital nutritional skills in a flexible and time efficient manner, practical for busy schedules.

Upon Completion, you will understand:

  • The direct impact nutrition has on your dance performance, health and wellbeing
  • The way your body converts different types of food into energy
  • How to identify the signs and symptoms of under-fueling
  • How to develop strategies for fueling optimally at varying exercise intensities
  • How to construct balanced meals and snacks for sustained energy throughout the day
  • The way to optimally fuel yourself according to your schedule


  • A series of educational videos covering the foundations of dance nutrition, 10-15 minutes per topic to be viewed in your own time
  • Practical activities learning to use the skills developed throughout your week
  • Cheat sheets to keep and refer to as you advance your training and career
  • 50 delicious & easy to make recipes selected for the artistic athlete
  • A list of 'go to' supermarket options for convenience when required
  • Bonus material and resources to support you in your nutrition journey
  • Option to upgrade with a 1:1 coaching session to streamline requirements for your unique set of circumstances

Kind words

Kind words

Kind words

Is this right for me?

This course has been designed to provide practical education on Dance Nutrition and is structured towards dancers who are training part time, full time, or professionally. It is not recommended for those who are being treated for eating disorders. If unsure, please seek advice from a medical professional before commencing.

How it Works

Once enrolled to the Nourished Dancer - Student edition, your introduction pack will be available to you immediately. This pack contains all the information you will need to successfully complete the course and how to prepare. Following enrollment, a new lesson will become available to you every seven days for the following four weeks. Once these lessons are made available to you, you may complete them in your own time.

Each lesson includes an educational video, a cheat sheet for reference and an activity for you to incorporate into your upcoming week. There is plenty of bonus material and resources included in the course and once you have enrolled, you will receive live updates made to the course which ensures that the guidance aligns with the latest available research and information.

If you have opted for a 1:1 coaching upgrade, I will personally be in touch with a link for you to book in!

The course I wish I had....

I created this course as the course I needed when I was training as a dancer. As a teen, I was a 'copycat' dieter who would look externally to those i perceived to be better and more successful than myself, thinking that if I ate like them, I would look better, be happier with myself, and become a better dancer.

I wish I had the foundational nutrition knowledge at the time that would support me in becoming the healthiest dancer I could be, instead of a highly anxious dancer lacking body positivity.

My personal aim in delivering this course is to enable dancers of all ages and stages to understand the important role nutrition plays in their overall health and wellbeing along with their ability to reach their full potential in dance.

 Join the Waitlist to be notified when enrolment opens

Click here to get started today!!


Is there an age limit for this course?
There are no age limits for this course, however it has been created with a target audience of 12 to 30. It is recommended that anyone under the age of 16 undertake this course under supervision of a parent or guardian.
What if I dont have time to complete the lesson every week?
Thats no worries at all. While the lessons are released to you weekly, you have the freedom to complete these at your own pace. You can always go back to previous lessons and re-watch videos for a refresher as well!
I have an underlying health condition, can I take part in the course?
This is educational material and therefore if you do have an underlying medical condition, or allergy; please seek advice from your GP or a medical professional before commencing.
Am I able to save the information and send to my friends?
I would love for you to share the word that nutrition has amazing benefits for dancers, however please keep in mind that 'The Nourished Dancer' content may not be sold, reproduced, or distributed without the written permission from myself, Sally Sparidaans.
Do you have a refund policy?
While I do believe you will gain the foundational nutritional skills required for dance, if you are unhappy with your purchase of ‘The Nourished Dancer – Student Edition’, simply send me an email ( within 2 days of course commencement outlining your concerns, and I will refund your purchase.
My query has not been addressed
Reach out! Email me - Please allow 2 business days for a response, and if you are awaiting my email - please check your junk!
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Recipes and Resources

It wouldn't be a nutrition website without some recipes...

Below are some recipes to inspire you in the kitchen. A well balanced nutrition plan can be simple, convenient, and easy to follow. Eating should be an enjoyable experience that you can look forward to during the day. A diet that works for you is one that brings you joy!

Banana Yogurt Split

Apricot Coconut Energy Balls

Sweet Potato & Spinach Frittata

Sally is a qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner with a passion for restoring clients’ vitality. Her own experiences with chronic fatigue, burnout, anxiety and panic attacks, have enabled her to understand the importance of working with the person as a whole.

Sally understands the many areas that underlie health concerns, and she will take a client’s genetics, environment, lifestyle and nutritional habits into consideration when developing a personalised plan. Providing a space for clients, Sally acknowledges the impact the client’s health has on their quality of life. She uses functional tools and testing to gain a full picture of the client’s underlying causes for the symptoms being experienced. This enables a targeted approach to restoring the client’s vitality.

As someone who has been very active for their entire life including dancing, triathlon, running and Crossfit, Sally recognises the frustration when you are unable to live with the quality of life that you are accustomed to. Sally is committed to working with you, and collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, to assist you in reaching your goals.

Sally is an accredited G.E.M.M Protocol (Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation) Practitioner and understands the power that food and lifestyle can have on your health and well-being. Appointments may be claimed with selected health funds as a Nutritionist.